Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Governor Manchin Behind the Scenes

Have you ever wondered what takes place before a speaker at the convention goes before the delegates and the entire nation?

We got a first hand look today. Ironically, Erik and I were standing near the media area eating free ice cream that was being given out by CNN. Gov. Manchin walked by and we asked him if he were ready for his speech. He said he was on his way to get ready and he told us to come along.

Below is the Gov asking John (who ran the entire back scene operation) if we could come along.

Now John may have a look on his face that says, "Should I even trust you two?" But he was INCREDIBLY helpful. First stop was to make our way to make-up.

From make-up it was to the holding room. This is the room where speakers were escorted to prior to going on stage.

It's also the last few minutes that have to go over their remarks one last time. Gov. Manchin looks over his speech as a live feed from the convention plays on the screen behind the Governor.

Game time for the Governor as he addresses the nation.

It was a great evening to showcase West Virginia and our delegates. On Wednesday, Sen. Jay Rockefeller will address the convention.
It was also a great evening and great speech by Sen. Hillary Clinton. On Wednesday, her delegates will have a reception with the Senator. I'll post as soon as the meeting is over to let you know what took place.


Ron's Thots said...

Thanks for the great pics and the blogging from Denver. I did not hear Manchin's speech last night, but I did hear Hillary's speech. It has to be an exciting time.
Ron Miller

Anonymous said...

Cool! It's fun getting a WV perspective behind-the-scenes!

Did Madeleine Albright sit with the WV Delegation Monday night for Michelle Obama's address?

Unknown said...

Great to see you blogging, Natalie. I love seeing your close-up view from the convention. Keep up the strong campaign!

- Tate Hausman, Secretary of State Project

Natalie Tennant for Secretary of State said...

Thanks for the comments. Yes Madeleine Abright sat in our section for both Michelle Obama's speech and for Hillary Clinton's speech. That is one of the benefits of sitting where we are because we have extra seats behind us and they are easy to get to.
If she is there again tonight, I am going to give her a West Virginia pin and make her an honorary West Virginian. As I type that, I think she does have a farm in the Eastern Panhandle. I will find out from some of the Jefferson County folks who are members of our delegation. Or if anyone else knows, pass it along.